Creating an illustrated animation for Nyetimber, based on loose and inky fashion-style illustrations.
Colouring in Iron Man poster. Pass time during the corona lockdown #StayAtHomeAndColourIn
Colouring in Thor, Asgardian God of Thunder, Son of Odin, wielder of Mjölnir, work friend of Hulk. Pass time time during Corona Lockdown #StayAtHomeAndColourIn
Colouring Captain Marvel poster to keep kids (and adults) entertained while we StayatHome #StayAtHomeAndColourIn
I’m making some colouring in posters to keep you & your family chilled and occuppied while we all do the right thing and #StayAtHome. Look after yourself, and each other and get colouring in! First stop captain america colouring in poster.
One of the best London Stories holds Jimi Hendrix responsible for the capital’s undeniable parakeet explosion, after he released his pet birds into the skies of the West End in the psychedelic 60s.
7 mad men illustrations for inktober 2017 by illustrator Matt Richards
I’ve now created 21 Loose ink fashion illustrations for this year’s inktober and I can’t say that it isn’t getting hard
Week 2 of my month long project producing an image each day for October.
This month I’m creating 31 Inktober fashion illustrations for my Instagram feed. Check out week one of October 2017 created by illustrator Matt Richards.